
App Privacy Policy

 This Educative Applications Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”) applies to all children’s mobile apps (“Apps”) provided through app stores that provide or link to this Privacy Policy, including Apps: Pantomime, Pantomime Pro, ABC with animals (English), and others. Parents or guardians should read this Privacy Policy and, as appropriate, explain it to any children using our Apps. 1.ABOUT US Educative Applications - we develop applications for children and adults that allow our users to develop, learn and receive useful information. 2.A pplications FOR CHILDREN Applications are partly intended for use by children, so we take great care in selecting images and content to deliver information with care and concern. 3.​ COLLECT ION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION We DO NOT collect your personal information. We use only general information provided by Google Play to analyze how users interconnect with our Apps. It includes only technical characteristics of your device. 4.CONTAC
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